Monday 8 November 2010

TIFFANY & CO - Print Ads

This idea was too good to leave alone. The following were created as part of my MA degree. They were not actually required, however, I decided to mock them up anyway.

BENFIELD MOTORS - Skoda Auto Dealership Launch Print Ad

PREMIER WASTE - Press Release

ASTON HOTELS - Internal communication

DREAMS BEDS - Celebrity Big Brother TVC sponsorship

DUNLOP - New compound golf ball

DUNLOP - Aerogel 4D Print Ad

The time before life began

We all have to start somewhere. And it's almost always at the bottom. My rise to fame began in Newcastle.

The following work was completed during an internship working with Robson Brown Advertising, a leading UK based Agency, in the winter of 2009.

Whilst there I completed work for the following clients: Dunlop, Dreams Beds, Aston Hotels, Premier Waste and Benfield Motors. I honed my skills, studied the basics and realized my potential.

So enjoy these appetizers. A selection of long copy, Print Ads and TVC storyboards awaits you.